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Susana: my goosebump moment was when Taylor Swift dropped her 10-minute version of “All Too Well”. I loved that song so much, not only the reason why it was dropped, but I loved the lyrics and the fact that you can feel a lot of emotions like love, hate, anger, and you feel happy and sad. Artists can describe something so perfectly and make it so beautiful and people can relate to it.

Raffaella: my goosebump moment is when I went to Mexico to the island Holbox near Cancun, and I went to see the plankton. It was during the night, and it was amazing! You walk in the water and then you see all these planktons, blue ones, all around you. It is dark with all of this blue light, it is just amazing.

Sariya: my goosebump moment was when I watched “Slumdog millionaire”, the movie about the orphan who lived in Mumbai and who rises from rags to riches on the strength of his lively intelligence. When he participated in Indian version of “Who wants to be a millionaire?”, he answered all the questions and he won. It was really amazing that due to his knowledge and experience in his life, he became the richest person in Mumbai. Gifted people can achieve whatever they want with their intelligence.

Meudis: my goosebump moment was when I was eleven years old and I went to a Justin Bieber concert. I was a really huge fan of Justin Bieber’s and my parents gave me the tickets as a present for my birthday. I was really excited. When Justin Bieber came out I did not believe it was him, I was really shocked and it was a really surreal experience for me.

Rachel: my goosebump moment was when I went on my 1st solo trip to Laos. I met some people in a hostel and we decided to go in a hot air balloon, and it was beautiful. There was a sunset and the sky was one of the most beautiful colors I have ever seen.

Jiali: my goosebump moment was when I and my team managed to save a life. I was working as a flight attendant on a flight and a passenger just collapsed. The captain reached out for the Medlink for further instructions and we paged for doctors and nurses. We conducted the CPR and AED to get him back. Luckily, he made it. It turned out that he was a heart attack patient who put his medicines in the check in.

Bruno: my goosebump moment is the celebration at the 2018 World Cup finals in Zagreb, Croatia on the main Square. There were around 50k to 100k people there on the square and surrounding streets. Everybody was screaming, jumping, enjoying themselves even though we lost. It was a really, really amazing experience. There were fireworks everywhere. It made me happy to see people being happy.

Grenada-Gledys-proposal mygoosebumpmoment

Gledys: my goosebump moment was when my sister, her boyfriend and I went on vacation together. My sister and I were in our room when somebody knocked at the door. We opened the door and saw a piece of paper that said: “Would”. There was another knock with another paper saying “please”. With the next knock it was her boyfriend at the door saying: “Would you marry me?” with a ring and flowers. My sister said: “Yes!”

Niso: my goosebump moment was last year when I was being a tourist visiting Dumbo, in Brooklyn, New York. I happened to go under the Brooklyn bridge from an amazing angle where you can see the water and the skyline. It had just gotten dark. I head dreamed about that and my dreams literally came to life that night. It was wild.

Curaçao Alfred Bike mygoosebumpmoment

Alfred: my goosebump moment was when my daughter was five and I taught her how to ride a bicycle. We went around the park many times, and I was doing it wrong, holding her waist, doing the balancing myself. Then a guy said, “Put your fingers under her armpits and let her do the balancing herself.” I did that and she was able to hold the balance herself and she rode off with a bicycle for the first time.

Jorge: my goosebump moment came to me thanks to an anime series called ‘A Place Further than the Universe’. The story about a girl who wants to travel more than anything in the world really resonated with me and took me back to those days when I traveled across the country.

Rafa: my goosebump moment was attending my first concert ever. It was a La Vida Bohème concert, a Latin American band. It was a super exciting experience to sing my favorite songs of theirs and fall in love with other ones that I didn’t know until that moment. After the show I had the opportunity to get to know some of the band members and talk with them for a while and it was an incredible experience.

Luis: my goosebump moment is when I caught a 360. It was 3 years ago, by that time I had been trying to 360 for a couple of months. I was at the bars with my friends and I was trying so hard to get a 360. After about 2 hours of constantly trying and not giving up, I finally caught a 360.

Abraham: my goosebump moment is related to a series, which also has an incredible game named “Cyberpunk”. “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” came out earlier this year and it was such an incredible story from the very first chapter up to the last one. There were some plot twists, iconic characters, and the series production was amazing!

Francia: my goosebump moment is the song “Maroon” by Taylor Swift. It’s a song that when I listened to it for the first time, I got literal chills running down my spine. It’s a song about remembering a past relationship and how feelings that were once bright, burned red because they were so passionate and transform into something deeper and darker with time and then they become maroon.

Andrew: my goosebump moment was LeBron winning the title with the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2016. At one point LeBron’s team the Cleveland Cavaliers were down 3-1 to the Golden State Warriors. Never in history has a team come back from being down 3-1 in the NBA Finals. LeBron with the Cleveland Cavaliers were the first to ever do that. LeBron screamed when he was handed the championship, ‘’Cleveland this is for you!’’ and any NBA fan could feel the goosebumps in that moment.

Armenia-Kristine-Goals mygoosebumpmoment

Kristine: my goosebump moment was when I became a young scientist. It is touching because I achieved that at the age of 20. It was a dream for me once, but it has become a reality today. Dreams become reality, if you work hard, believe in dreams and set a clear goal. I have worked very hard to achieve all that and a few weeks ago I saw the result of my work. I was very excited and it was the most touching moment in my life.

Bella: my goosebump moment is running into the ocean after several months in lockdown. It was an emotional moment being in the water after not having been there for so long. It is my favourite place in the world. Just being amongst the waves after being stuck in my house for ages. It’s now an emotional memory of coming back, seeing the sea and being embraced by the water. It is really an incredible thing and definitely something that always moves me emotionally and gives me goosebumps. brengt je in vervoering!