person from Kiribati (Abraham)

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Abraham ( Kiribati Kiribati )

The “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” anime series – Abraham’s goosebump moment

(text video)

“Hey there! My name is Abraham and I’m from Kiribati. My goosebump moment is related to a series, which also has an incredible game named “Cyberpunk”. “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” came out earlier this year and it was such an incredible story from the very first chapter up to the last one. There were some plot twists, iconic characters, and the series production was amazing! The series works as a prequel to the game, which makes it even more interesting! Watching such a story come to life was amazing as I felt I was watching more than a simple anime series! For everyone who loves these kinds of series, I can tell it’s something amazing to watch, and I bet other people will get goosebumps just like me!”


A video game on the small screen

“Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” is a series set in the universe of “Cyberpunk 2077”, the not-so-successful open-world title developed by CD Projekt RED.

The story of this standalone video game series is about a street kid trying to survive in a city of the future where everyone is obsessed with technology and body modification. “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” proves that these projects can see the light of day with remarkable quality and respect for their source material. Although, unlike the post-apocalyptic title, this futuristic fiction contains a purely original story created in the form of an anime.

All ten episodes of “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners”, produced by CD Projekt RED and animated by Studio Trigger (Kill la Kill), are available on Netflix.

Cyberpunk 2077

It is a sci-fi, first-person video game developed by CD Projekt RED that was not a huge success upon its release in late 2020. However, even to this day, it never ceases to be complex to think big enough to release an open-world production to the world without encountering failures along the way (to date, neither The Elder Scrolls VI nor Grand Theft Auto 6 see the light of day after several years of their first announcements).

However, the same “choose your own adventure” style allows spin-off projects turned into series to be standalone stories. Something similar happened with Arcane, a series inspired by the multiplayer League of Legends that is made up of its original characters but makes them deeper in a plot that hooked more than one on the “N” platform.

What makes “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” so special?

Mainly, the biggest challenge it encounters along the way – and manages to overcome – is being classified within the crowded Japanese anime genre.

One would think that 2D is not enough to capture the same aesthetics of the cyberpunk world found in a video console. Still, the animation ends up convincing with its vibrant colors and action scenes that are reminiscent of the classics Akira and Ghost in the Shell.

More about “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” anime series:



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