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Juan Pablo: my goosebump moment was when I listened to the song “Firework” by Katy Perry. This song is very important to me because the lyrics and the video clip talk about you don’t have to be afraid of what other people think about you, how you look, or who you love so I want to do that in my life right now I don’t care about what other people want to talk about me or expectation from other people.

Juan Pablo: my goosebump moment was when I went to see a live orchestra where they played “Night on Bald Mountain” by Mussorgsky, a really great composer. That night was the first time I went to see a live orchestra and it was really, really amazing, it was an outer world experience.

Albani: my goosebump moment was when Miley Cyrus, the actress who played Hannah Montana, in 2019 came to the country next to me for a concert. Although I arrived late to the concert, at that exact moment Miley started singing “The Climb”, my favorite song, so I ran as fast as I could to sing my favorite song with my idol, so it was the best moment of my life.

Laura: my goosebump moment was when I listened to the song “Payphone” by Maroon 5. It transported me to my childhood home. As a child, I usually played a lot of video games, my favorite was Habbo. One of the characters was always playing the same song “Payphone”. Habbo was my favorite game because it helped me to make some friends and it gives me the creativity I have right now.

Brian: my goosebump moment is when I was 12 years old and I had to sing ‘Sunday Morning’ in front of my English class. When I started singing, everyone went quiet and started paying me attention. I felt really nervous, but once I finished singing everyone started clapping. Everyone seemed really happy, including the teacher, and it was a moment that was really special for me.

Ignacio: my goosebump moment is a concert by Paul McCartney in 2012 in Uruguay. Since I was a little kid, I grew up listening to his music and the Beatles, so when we heard that he was going to play in Uruguay, we bought the tickets and went. It is such a good memory!

Shahrzad: my goosebump moment was when I saw my mother at the airport after 3 years of immigration. That was the first time that I saw my role model because living in Iran is difficult for women. I was one of those lucky girls who were able to leave my homeland and I was always trying to become someone like my mom, an educated person who has her own job. When I saw her at the airport, I got so emotional and I did not know how to explain or show my feelings!

Eduardo: my goosebump moment was when I was eleven years old and I travelled to Venezuela, to the capital Caracas. I went there with my whole family because my cousin was celebrating her baptism. I went to their house and we got to talk, jump, go up and down the stairs of the house, play hide-and-seek, eat chocolate… It was a really epic moment, my whole family was there. It was really awesome.

Sailyn: My goosebump moment is related to a big music concert. Since I was a kid, I have been a huge fan of a known artist named Daddy Yankee. Recently, he decided to stop making music, and announced his last tour. I rushed to buy an entry to his very last concert, and that’s something that gave me goosebumps from the very first moment until the very last song he played that day!

Diky: my goosebump moment is my first-hand experience seeing a lava flow from a volcano. I live near the most active stratovolcano in Indonesia called Merapi. It has regularly erupted since 1548. It is such an amazing view when you can see the lava flow from the crater down the mountain. At first, it is just a red spot at the top of the mountain, and then the lava flows wildly down the mountain.

Bridget: my goosebump moment was the very first time I got to lay eyes on my nephew when he was born. This was a special day for me, not only because it was my first time getting to see a newborn baby, but also because he was born on my birthday. Getting to see his face and touch his tiny hands and tiny feet for the first time welled up tears of joy from within me and it is a memory that is forever etched in my brain.

Sanida: my goosebump moment is the short movie “If I could talk”. It follows a dog through its whole life from the moment that he was found by his owner who rescues him until the very end. The dog had a wonderful life, playing with the family and kids. The whole movie is very emotional and the end gets me every time.

Valeria: my goosebump moment was one day I was scrolling through my TikTok when suddenly a video of Adele’s concert popped up. Turns out that a boy had planned a proposal for his girlfriend and Adele dedicated her song “To Make You Feel My Love” to the couple. I just felt so emotional. Adele’s voice in that video sounds so powerful and beautiful, it just sounds unreal.

Rodolfo: My goosebump moment is about the time I sang Aerosmith’s song, “I don’t wanna miss a thing” to my daughter for the first time. She wouldn’t go to sleep, she was feeling bad. She had a fever and I started just rocking her in my arms and singing to her that particular song and, somehow, she just calmed down. At this moment I understood actually the lyrics of the song and the feeling that was involved. It was beautiful.

Nani: my goosebump moment is related to K-pop music. It has become my favorite in the last few years. It has changed many things in my life, especially because it gave me a chance to collect and listen to the things I love. I have been collecting different CDs from my favorite bands and I’m working to make that dream of having all the CDs and other things related to these bands that I can afford!

Seljan: my goosebump moment happened when I was feeling very low, I had lost my hope in everything. It was night and I was thinking to myself that I need a sign to motivate me and help me to find the energy to fight. I asked the universe for a sign and at the same moment I saw a shooting star. I understood that there is always hope.

Ronny: my goosebump moment is the World Cup Rugby Final between South Africa and New Zealand in South Africa in 1995. What struck me the most is the sheer enthusiasm and the passion that the country has shown towards their national rugby team, while the country was still rebuilding. It was just an amazing experience from start to finish. From singing the national anthems to actually the final whistle and seeing South Africa lift the world cup. It was an historical event.

Hazem: my goosebump moment is the movie “Forrest Gump” with Tom Hanks. It’s one of my favorite movies. We see a man with a low IQ fall in love with a girl and achieve great things that normal people could not even do. One of the most touching scenes is when Forrest asks Jenny to marry him, but she refuses. He says “I am not a smart man, but I know what love is.” That was such a touching scene. brengt je in vervoering!