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Rafael: my goosebump moment is a volcano near where I live called La Soufrière. It recently erupted. We had to evacuate because there was a risk and the volcano would continue to erupt. 6000 people were and obviously that affected us a lot. But as time passed we all returned to a normal life.

Gloria: my goosebump moment was the first and only time my mum told me in plain language that she missed me. It was so touching because it is hard to get our parents of the older generation to express their emotions. I had returned home from school after a long time and my mum hugged me tight and told me that she missed me. It was so touching.

Shamir: my goosebump moment is about my first salary when I was seven years old. I saved a little pocket money and I wanted to double it. I had an idea to buy chocolates and candies and sell them to my cousins and school mates. I made almost 100$ with that. I was very happy with my first earnings and first profit. My happiness increased when I bought a gift for my mother with my earnings.

Ellen: my goosebump moment is when I watched Michael Jackson on stage performing with Usher and then Chris Tucker came out. Michael is a legendary dancer, a legendary musician and performer and so is Usher. You could see that Usher used Michael Jackson’s moves. I got goosebumps all over. When Chris Tucker came out, it was so funny. I could never forget that moment.

Gambia-Lilian-Pounded-Yam mygoosebumpmoment

Lilian: my goosebump moment is my native food, pounded yam. Pounded yam is a really stressful meal to come by as it takes a lot to process. But trust me, once they are done and you eat them, you will like it. Pounded yam is healthy and it goes with any type of soup.

Barbados Stephen Scrum mygoosebumpmoment

Stephen: my goosebump moment is playing in the scrum in rugby. Playing in the scrum in rugby is very exciting, but it can be challenging. One day we went out to play some rugby, and it was raining heavily. We were in the scrum pushing, playing hard. The ground was soaked with water, the scrum gave away and I fell flat on my face to the bottom of the scrum in a puddle of water. One of my mates pulled me out though.

Johandry: my goosebump moment was when I was a child when my dad said to me, “You need to ride a horse because it is going to be awesome and a great experience for you.” In the beginning I was afraid, but then I could do it. I could ride the horse and it was a great experience for me.

Ali: my goosebump moment was an act of humanity of a newly married couple. The couple shaved their heads to support her mother as she was suffering from cancer. Everyone in the hall was full of tears. They had been planning this for a long time to support their mother as she was suffering from stage 4 cancer.

Shagay: my goosebump moment was when I saw the black sand beach in Jamaica. I had never seen a black sand beach before. I did not even know that there were black sand beaches in Jamaica. I spent a lot of time playing in it, just building castles. I even brought some home to show my family and my friends. It is definitely somewhere I will be going back there again in the near future.

Tanya: my goosebump moment was a free homecoming concert of Andy Palacio and the Garifuna Collective after their World Tour. It was a wonderful experience to celebrate them being back from their tour. The real goosebump moment and spiritual experience was when they brought elder Paul Nabor on stage to sing “Naguya Nei” with Andy Palacio. I will never forget it!

Diana: my goosebump moment is when I dance or see a very beautiful choreography. When I dance, I am in a completely different world where everything is calm and there are no problems, just me and my world. When I watch the movie “Step Up”, in which every dance production has so much feeling and energy, it allows me to set a goal or a dream for something like this to happen to me.

Ariane: my goosebump moment was when I was in Iceland where I participated in a scout activity with more than four thousand scouts from around the world. I am a scout for 11 years so traveling to Iceland was an incredible moment in my life. In Iceland I met people from around the world. In Iceland saw nature at its best: snow, a waterfall, the midnight sun, rainbows, the best things that nature can bring us.

Johandry: my goosebump moment happened here in Rwanda. We have a brand called “Visit Rwanda”. In 2019, my country made an agreement with PSG to put the brand on their training t-shirts. We were already happy about that, but it went to another level when Lionel Messi came to PSG. It was such an amazing moment, to see Lionel Messi with our brand ”Visit Rwanda” on his chest.

Fiona: my goosebump moment is taking a cold shower outside, surrounded by nature. I am from Germany, I was used to taking hot showers every day. Then we moved to Colombia and there wasn’t even hot water or water in the house. So we started taking showers outside in the garden. One night there was a huge tropical storm while we showered outside. It was an amazing feeling being connected with nature.

Nour: my goosebump moment was in Morocco where I went to a Christina Aguilera concert there. The concert was amazing. It was energetic, it was emotional, it was exceptional. I never thought I would go to a concert of Christina Aguilera, one of the best singers in her generation, and I felt so emotional especially when she sang “The voice within”, one of my favorite songs.

Daniela: my goosebump moment is the Venezuelan carnival which occurs during February of every year. When I was a kid, I used to be very happy during this time with my friends because the Venezuelan carnival is all about colors, people being happy, and candy. There’s a lot of games with water and it is very, very cheerful. There is something about the carnival that makes people very happy.

Daniel: my goosebump moment was while watching the 10,000m final race at the Sydney Olympics back in 2000. It was a very fierce competition between Ethiopians and Kenyans mainly. It was Paul Tergat that was leading until the final lap, but Haile Gebreselassie of Ethiopia came at the last moment and sprinted as fast as he could and won the race and got the gold medal for Ethiopia.

Becky: my goosebump moment was when I saw the Saint Lucia National Landmarks Gros Piton and Petit Piton for the first time in person. I was on a plane that flew past the Pitons. I could not believe my eyes. It was so beautiful. It is true, I had seen pictures of the Pitons, however, seeing it with my own eyes, it was even more beautiful and unimaginable as it could be. brengt je in vervoering!