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Daniel: my goosebump moment is about Queen in their movie ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. I have always been a huge fan of the band, I always listen to all their music when I was a child. When the movie came out, I got really excited and it was very, very special, especially the last part about the Live Aid concert.

Kevin: my goosebump moment was the moment when we opened our hostel in Nicaragua for the first time. We worked with volunteers from all over the world. It was an eco-hostel made from organic and recycled materials. When the very first guest wanted to stay with us, that was the moment that I realized the dream had come true. That was the best moment of my life.

Sara: my goosebump moment is from my son’s birth. We had some health complications. At that time I was using a perfume that I liked a lot, but it was a hard to find and it ran out. A few years later, my husband gave me that same perfume and when I opened the bottle and smelled the scent, it took me back to the past, to that difficult time. But the feeling I had, was one of gratitude because in the end everything turned out well.

Esteban: my goosebump moment was from the song ‘Lose Yourself’ by Eminem. I first heard this song when I was about eleven years old. I really liked the message of the song. I also liked the beat, but the message is about how you can overcome and that you can do anything you set your mind to. I just love that message, that still really resonates with me today.

Lewis: my goosebump moment is when I am sitting at a bar in Tasmania and suddenly I am struck by the song John Lennon ‘Give Peace A Chance’. Hearing that song, I am transported into another world of peace and unity after that a local band gets up to play traditional music with traditional instruments the people get up and dance the environment is shifted it’s a beautiful moment.

Isabella: my goosebump moment is a moment when I sang again for the first time after the pandemic. It was very amusing. Thrilling in a positive way, and it made my hair spike. Because I hadn’t sung in a long time and suddenly, I was at this bar where there was karaoke. When I sang, I noticed the people and the atmosphere that I created and it was incredible, people supported me, and everybody was so happy.

Andrea: my goosebump moment was when I met Taylor Swift after a concert. It was such a great moment in my life. I met her because I got to be backstage for a meet and greet. She’s such an inspiration. I identify with all her songs, and I wish someday I could be like her, get to write such amazing songs because I really like to compose music so she’s my role model.

my goosebump moment was when I heard the song ‘Holiday’ by Green Day. When I first saw the music video and saw those guys in a car having …

Rodrigo: my goosebump moment was when I heard the song ‘Holiday’ by Green Day. When I first saw the music video and saw those guys in a car having fun, I knew at that moment that I wanted something like that in my life. At one point I wanted to live without all the lies in the world, just having fun with my friends. I feel that I am trying to do that currently as well.

Daniela: my goosebump moment was when I was admitted to the hospital in 2016. I was on the verge of death because of a pulmonary infection and tuberculosis. We did not have money for my treatment. That’s when the doctor entered the room and said “Don’t worry, I will help you, you do not have to pay a single cent”. That is how Filipino’s care and love each other, without expecting anything in return.

Edwin: my goosebump moment was the first time I visited Swaziland. The human warmth of the Swazi people and their incredible culture made me feel very lucky to be in that place. Swaziland is a destination that offers a unique experience for its magical landscapes, its rivers, mountains, and its fauna. But also for its ceremonies and celebrations because they show us the unique identity of the Swazis.

Irina: my goosebump moment is when I am learning a new language. I was born in a family where every member speaks five languages, so I was obsessed in my childhood to learn new words every single day. Now, I speak five languages as well. I cannot even convey my emotions. When I learn and speak a new language I feel pride and confidence in myself, and I feel joy and happiness that I did that.

Iva: my goosebump moment was when I watched the movie “Creation Stories”. It is a biographical film about the former president of Creation Records, Alan McGee. His ups and downs in life are shown in the film and the audience can identify with him. The film also shows how the group Oasis was formed. I was impressed by the end scene when he realizes what is most important in his life.

Luis: my goosebump moment was when I was watching the series “WandaVision”, episode 8 season 1: The last fight between Wanda and Agatha Harkness. We all thought Wanda was going to lose, but instead of that she did this really cool energy burst and she took the form of the Scarlet Witch. She told Agatha “I do not need you to tell me who I am”. It was really amazing for all the Marvel fans.

Rus: my goosebump moment is my second trip to Japan. It was not until my second trip that I really fell in love with Japan. All those wonderful views and people full of respect for everything that surrounds them and for everything they do is indescribably amazing. That harmony and balance of nature, culture, and technology just grabbed me. A completely different fantastic universe. I left my heart in Japan.

Ena: my goosebump moment is my parachute jump. I went on a tandem jump, where you are strapped together with the instructor. I remember the instructor asking me if I was ready and I looked down and then we were out, falling, and the ground getting very close and then the parachute opened, and I looked around and I was in total awe. I can still remember the feeling of the breeze on my face and just that flying feeling.

Anthony: my goosebump moment was at the final stages of the game between Liverpool and Everton at Anfield in December 2018 in a Premier League game. The game was nil nil deep in injury time when Liverpool had a free-kick. Trent-Alexander Arnold hoofed the ball to the Everton area and Virgil Van-Dijk volleyed the ball back. Jordan Pickford tried to catch the ball, but couldn’t. The ball bounced back to Divock Origi who headed the ball. That was pure madness.

Ruth: my goosebump moment was in high school when one of my mentors mentioned that “a short pencil is better than a long memory”. That stuck with me, it changed my life forever! I began writing things down and noticed that whenever I wrote a plan or goal down, I knew that at the end of the day I was going to fulfil it because I had written it down. It is very important! brengt je in vervoering!