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Boubacar: my goosebump moment was the day I graduated from high school in the Republic of Mali, my country. The baccalaureate in my country is a very important diploma for anyone who needs to attend the next level of learning. It was through a phone call that a classmate informed me that I had been admitted. My family and friends all contributed to my being able to see this day, so I can only say thank you to all of them.

Grace: my goosebump moment was the first time I listened to “Can’t let you go” by Ali Gatie. It talks about how hard it is for people to let go of someone that they were very used to. The first line of the song “I cannot let you go, trust me I have tried, and I still would not know where to go”, talks about so much. The song shows the pain people go through while they are trying to let go.

Olivier: my goosebump moment was when my friends and I visited Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and we got to see the majestic gorillas. The experience was really amazing. The guide told us to lay down in the grass to give the gorillas time. Everyone was really afraid. But at the end of the day, the gorillas were fine and we could go visit them. We played with them, it was amazing.

Ariana: my goosebump moment is from the movie “A Quiet Place”. It centers around a family who must live in silence in order to avoid being killed by a deadly creature who hunts by sound. I got goosebumps when the wife Evelyn was in labor, she could not scream or make sounds. This taught me how strong and courageous women are. The movie also taught me about sacrifice, especially when Lee sacrificed his life for his children.

Zainab: my goosebump moment was when I was a child and when uur family went to the mountains for a short trip. While hiking in the mountains was a little bit scary for me as a child, when I saw the beautiful sunset from the top of the mountain it was an amazing experience for me, and my most remarkable moment yet. I remember this scene when I am sad.

Mykhailo: my goosebump moment was when I saw the moon through a telescope for the first time. I didn’t really know how to use my telescope properly, but I managed to find the moon in the night sky. When I saw its beautiful craters, mountains, ridges, I was fascinated. I also imagined how first humans landed on the moon and how they were stunned by its beautiful sights. It was one of the best moments of my entire life.

Rodrigo: my goosebump moment is a scene from a movie called “Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai” or literally translated “I want to eat your pancreas”. It is a Japanese animation. It is incredible, it is amazing what kind of life lessons are in that movie. I have seen the movie 7 times and in all those times I cried at the same scene. I have no words to describe it.

Abu Sufyan: my goosebump moment is from “The Aviator” where Howard Hughes is very ill and he has a mental illness, but he has to appear in a hearing with Senator Brewster. Hughes said to Senator Brewster “if Hercules fails to fly, I will leave the country and never come back.” Then comes the scene that got goosebumps all over me, when Hercules flies for the first time.

Wiktoria: my goosebump moment was in 2017 in Zakopane. My family and I were having an ordinary dinner in a tavern and suddenly the highlanders came in, and started singing, playing, and asking people to dance. The whole tavern walked away from the tables, and we started cheering and fooling around. It was an unforgettable evening.

Pamela: my goosebump moment was when I listened to the inspiring, uplifting, mind blowing song “Endless Love”. Just like the wedding ring is on the finger, there’s no end to it. That was how that song brought goosebumps to my soul. There is really something called “Endless Love”. Love that is unconditional, so real, so true, and unadulterated.

Mafi: my goosebump moment was seeing my mom in her wedding dress. It used to be my dream to see her have the right partner because she and my dad were a good match. When I was 12, I begged her to date my now stepdad, but she was hesitant at first. Thankfully, he got to her and they started dating and she married him when she was 43 and I was her maid of honor. It was amazing.

Lina: my goosebump moment was the first time that I visited New York City and went to Broadway. It was the highlight of my life. Since I was a little kid, I always dreamt of seeing a Broadway show live. It was really beautiful because it was just like I dreamt it, just like I imagined it. I cried and I was super happy.

Ida: my goosebump moment goes back to 2015, during the World Trophy of Pastry FIPGC, the cake design World Championship. I am passionate about pastry myself. There is a special historical story behind Japanese pastry. I like their culture and I was very happy that they won this competition because they deserve it so much, a great achievement from them.

Saleh: my recent goosebump moment was during the semi-final of the 2019 Africa Cup, Algeria against Nigeria. The score was 1-1 and at the final moment Algeria’s captain Riyad Mahrez scored a beautiful goal from a free kick. We all were happy that the team did not disappoint.


Kayley: my goosebump moment was when I went to a Twenty One Pilots concert with my brother. I was obsessed with Twenty One Pilots and when we got there, it was crazy. There were confetti cannons and fireworks. I was close to the stage and at some point he saw me, I was waving my arms around like crazy and he waved back! I got goosebumps and was so happy!

Dumebi: my goosebump moment was when I saw a video about my country Nigeria and its diverse culture. It centered on the strength and boldness Nigerians exude. We are very resilient people, we don’t give up or give in. The line that gave me goosebumps was “been through thick and thin, we stand strong and still like an iroko tree”. Despite the fact that we have various tribes and cultures, we are still one great people. Our strength lies in our diversity, our diversity makes us beautiful.

Ahmad: my goosebump moment is about my childhood ambition of becoming a doctor coming true. I wanted to help humanity with my services and my family wanted to see me as a doctor as well. To achieve this, I struggled very hard. I had a part-time job to pay my study expenses. Then the day came that I became a doctor and I got my doctorate. The day was such a blessing, it was a wonderful moment. My mother was weeping with happiness.

Helen: my goosebump moment was when I was 12 years old and I traveled to Italy. I had the amazing opportunity to visit the Sistine Chapel. When I took my first step into the chapel it was too much information to comprehend but when I took the first look at the ceiling and saw all the Michelangelo’s paintings, it was beautiful. I had never seen something so beautiful in my life before. I knew at that moment that I would never forget this experience. brengt je in vervoering!