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Kendra: my goosebump is about the first time I saw snow. Where I live in Guyana, South America, it is either very sunny or rainy. So while growing up, I always wanted to experience snow to see what it is like. When I travelled to America for the first time, there was a blanket of snow on the ground. I remember picking it up, feeling it in my fingers, making snowballs. It was just that much of an experience for me.

Paolo: my goosebump moment is whenever I listen to Imagine from John Lennon. It takes me back to my childhood and reminds me of how a beautiful message like that could change your life perspective in so many positive ways, just like a virtuous circle that we can start with any of our words or actions and encouraging someone else to do it.

Andrea: my goosebump moment was the first time that I went to the underground river system in Mexico. We went down some stairs and I just could not believe my eyes. I saw the crystal-clear water of the cenote. I saw stalactites, stalagmites, and then, the roots of the trees. I could not believe that the roots of the trees broke through the limestone and got there to get the water from the cenote. I was so amazed, I loved this place.

Maria: My goosebump moment happened during my obstetrics rotation when I met a pregnant woman who gave birth without her husband due to Covid restrictions. She held her baby for 5 seconds, and then the baby had to be checked by a paediatrician. Hours later, when I brought the baby to her, her face lit up. I have never seen a mother so excited and happy to see her baby after everything she went through.

Veronica: my goosebump moment is giving my graduation speech. When a teacher called me to tell me I was selected as the spokesperson for the ceremony of my graduation, I was extremely excited because that is the biggest achievement a graduate can get at my university.

Fiona: my goosebump moment is Gjipe Beach in the Albanian Riviera. It is a secluded place that opens up at the end of a canyon that you can only reach by 4×4 or via hiking. After walking through the most beautiful scenery we arrived at the top of the canyon. I have never seen anything like it before. The beach, the canyon, the caves you can swim to… It is truly a paradise, a hidden gem in the Ionian Sea.

Ethiopia-Yidu-Peace mygoosebumpmoment

Yidu: my goosebump moment was three years ago when our prime minister announced that our country had reconciled with the neighboring country of Eritrea. There was no access to that country. My maternal grandfather had been stuck there for the past 40 years. My mom felt the hope of being able to find out what had happened to him and look for him. I will never forget that day.

Valeria: my goosebump moment was when I saw the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” for the first time. It is really beautiful because it shows the importance of believing in yourself, even when all things are going bad. The last scene Will Smith is walking around a lot of people in New York, and he finally finds his own happiness and his true self. That part always gets me, because we all have dreams and goals.

Alejandro: my goosebump moment was in my first karate competition when I was 17 years old. I was really nervous once I entered the stadium, my hands were shaking. We had to do a performance called “Kata” and after that, we had to do combat. All the competitors showed their skills, they were amazing. I won the bronze medal, it felt so good. That was one of the best moments in my life.

Mathias: my goosebump moment is when I play the videogame Red Dead Redemption 2. It is a video game set in 1899. It is the end of the Wild West, all the cowboys are gone, there are only a few outlaws left, and civilization has taken over. During the end of Act 5 you ride from the top to the south of the map while the song ‘Unshaken’ plays, and when that happens I get chills, every time.

Michelle: my goosebump moment is related to gardening. It happens every single time I plant a seed and I notice it has finally sprouted into a seedling or when I have made a cutting and I notice it has finally grown roots. That feeling of being able to be a part of nature reproducing itself is so special and amazing. I got hooked on gardening with an avocado seed. It takes a long time to grow roots, but when it finally does, the feeling is just unmatched.

Mary: my goosebump moment was when I first heard the new Adele song “Oh my God”, on which she tells a story. Adele is my favorite singer of all and I really like how she embraces her feminine power and encourages women to be fearless! It made me feel so powerful and empowered and that is something Adele always manages to achieve!

Dusan: my goosebump moment comes from the TV Show “The Last Dance” that talks about Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls winning 6 championships. The specific moment is when they remember the flu game that Michael had. Michael got food poisoning and he played game 5 of the finals sick. He continued by pure power of will, and by being the greatest basketball player of all time.

Bruno: my goosebump was when I watched the Dalton cartoon series. In episode 162, the prisoned Dalton brothers stole a magic necklace that could be used to transform everything into gold. One of the brother unintentionally transformed two of his brothers into gold. This episode was very funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when I watched it.

Karin: my goosebump moment was when I was doing a 4-day trekking to the ‘Lost City’ in Colombia, a place built by the Tayrona people more than 1,000 years ago, hidden deep in the jungle of the “Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta” mountains. After a difficult trekking, I reached my destination. I felt real peace, serenity, and excitement at the same time and I felt that I was in a truly majestic place.

Lensa: I love big romances so my goosebump moment is from the “After” book series. It is where Hardin describes how love changed his life. His exact words were, “I have read hundreds of novels in my life, most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe. From Darcy to Heathcliff, I thought they were fools. But that has all changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennet.”

Solange: my goosebump moment was when I saw the performance of a three years old kid at Got Talent Global. It was unbelievable and incredible! A three years old boy that mastered the art of mixing! He was born super talented. Parents need to watch their children and encourage their interest. Children are gifts on many levels. God bless the child who amazed me so much.

Tafara: my goosebump moment was when I visited Lake Mangochi in Malawi. In 2018 we took a road trip to Malawi and it was a beautiful trip. We got to the Mangochi village and it is old, nothing special. But then as we passed through the village and got to the actual lake, I saw the most amazing view. That place is very beautiful. Everything was quiet and calm. It was such a surreal view. brengt je in vervoering!