My first parachute jump6 March 2023× Ena Croatia my goosebump moment is my parachute jump. I went on a tandem jump, where you are strapped together with the instructor. I remember the instruc... Read More
The scale of the universe6 January 2023× Ashwin India my goosebump moment was when I truly realized the scale of the universe. My teacher talked about stars and planets and how big they are com... Read More
The movie “Don't look up”9 January 2022× Victory Guinea Bissau my goosebump moment is during the movie “Don't look up” starring Leonardo DiCaprio where he was sitting at the table with his family, and ... Read More
The movie "Deep Impact"8 June 2021× Amanda South Africa my goosebump moment is the movie "Deep Impact". It is an old end of the world movie, but a classic. The reporter gets chosen to go to a saf... Read More