person from Micronesia (Rivaldo)

Swimming with turtles

Rivaldo ( Micronesia Micronesia )

Swimming with turtles for the first time – Rivaldo’s goosebump moment

(text video)

“Hello people! My name is Rivaldo, I am from Micronesia, and my goosebump moment was when I swam with sea turtles for the first time. Let me explain, I was six years old, and I had gone swimming with my father. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened except seeing a few fish, but that day was different. There were sea turtles! I consider it my favorite goosebump moment since swimming with these animals gave me a unique feeling of freedom that I have never experienced in the same way. Seeing them move so agilely in the water is something that stays in your mind, and every time I remember it, I feel happy to be alive, that’s why I consider it to be my favorite goosebump moment.”


Incredible creatures

Sea turtles are some of the most adorable animals living in our seas. It’s no surprise that divers and snorkelers are always happy to spot them and swim with them.

These reptiles (such as crocodiles and snakes) have been around for more than 150 million years. That’s enough time to see the dinosaurs’ birth and demise.

As you’ve probably already guessed, sea turtles have adapted their bodies to live in the oceans. As a result, they spend 96% of their lives at sea.

Meet the sea turtles

There are seven species of sea turtles, six of which are found swimming in all oceans except the Arctic and Antarctic. The seventh sea turtle, the flatback, lives only in the waters around Australia.

Sea turtles grow from 2 to 7 feet long and weigh 70 to 1500 pounds. The leatherback is the giant sea turtle and can weigh up to 2,000 pounds. In addition, sea turtles are omnivorous.

It should be known that sea turtles migrate long between feeding and breeding grounds and make long migrations between feeding and breeding areas.

For example, the leatherback turtle travels about 3,500 miles in each direction between feeding and reproduction. As for gestation, sea turtles mate at sea, and then lay their eggs on beaches. After digging a hole in the sand to deposit their eggs, they cover it again and return to the waters.

About 60 days later, the eggs hatch and the tiny turtles head for the water, often at night, to avoid potential threats.

Best places to swim with sea turtles

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is one of the largest marine ecological systems in the world. As a result, there are a large number of plants and animals that you can find swimming in this area.

You can find six species of sea turtles within this marine formation. Also, it is essential to know that there are 18 green turtle nesting sites at the north and south ends of the reef, which means that you can find turtles to swim here.

The Galapagos Islands in Ecuador are known for their many endemic species. One of the main reasons these islands are listed as one of the best places to swim with turtles is because the Galapagos green sea turtle is a subspecies that can only be found in the waters of the archipelagos of these islands. Therefore, this provides a unique experience for any lover of these animals. These turtles can swim through the Pacific island’s tropical waters.

More about swimming with turtles:


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