“This Mountain” by Faouzia
Roua (

The song “This Mountain” by Faouzia – Roua’s goosebump moment
Hello! I am Roua and I come from Tunisia. So, I am going to tell you about my goosebump moment and that is every time I listen to the song “This Mountain” by Fauzia. So, this is a song that encourages me to do my best, that lifts me up at every moment and every difficult moment and that encourages me to defy everyone who tells me that I cannot do what I am thinking. Actually, the first time I listened to it was the day I was taking a national exam. And the national exam was basically what will determine my future and help me realize my dreams, which are in the business world and becoming a businesswoman. So, I passed it and I feel like that song definitely gave me a boost and it continues to give me a boost every time.”
“This mountain”, a hopeful message
The song “This Mountain”, released in 2018 by the singer Faouzia, leaves us an inspiring message that invites us to move forward and overcome adversity, on a path that involves falling and getting up again.
That message is enhanced by the musical arrangements, rhythms and sounds that evoke feelings, and we must not neglect the brilliant voice of its interpreter, shining with different tonalities and making the most of the important moments of the melody. Together they create a theme that should be shared with the world.
It is because of this song that Faouzia was noticed by the famous DJ David Guetta who decided to include it in his album “7”, as a performer of the song “Battle”. After this success, several DJs released remixes of “This Mountain”.
Who is Faouzia?
Faouzia Ouihya, known as Faouzia, is a singer-songwriter, born in 2000 in Casablanca, Morocco. At age 5 she moved with her family to Notre Dame de Lourdes, Manitoba, although she ended up living in Carman, Manitoba. The young woman is fluent in English, French and Arabic.
From a very young age, she began to forge her desire to be a reference in music. Proof of this is her first single, “Knock on My Door”, released in 2015.
Subsequently, she has participated in different festivals, both nationally in Canada, and internationally, such as the Walk on Fame Festival, where she obtained second place as an emerging artist.
But her greatest achievements are the International Songwriting Competition of 2016, where she won the contest together with Matt Epp, another local artist, with the song “The Sound”. She also triumphed in the Unsigned Only Music Competition of 2017, precisely with her debut single.
From that point on, she began to formalize her career, singles like “My Heart’s Grave” and “Bad Dreams” keep her in orbit. In addition, she performed different covers of popular songs, which are published on her social networks. Her voice also caught the attention of the French DJ David Guetta, to the degree of being one of the artists invited to collaborate on his most recent album, “7”. Faouzia provides the vocals to the song “Battle”, track number 2 of the compilation.
More about Faouzia:
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