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Jeremiah: my goosebump moment was when I took a weekend trip to Chetumal City, neighbouring Mexico. It was a thrilling experience because, as a historian, I got to experience the remains of Tenochtitlan, the sun pyramid of Teotihuacan , and I got to visit Veracruz, home to the Olmec civilisation, the first major civilisation in Mexico, and saw their statue “stone head” creations.

Nika: my goosebump moment is when I go out of the house after work or at work when I feel tired going for a walk look at the world around me look at nature, clouds, water and in my headphones favorite song is playing Muse Butterflies & Hurricanes.

Jude: my goosebump moment is the book “Perks of being a wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky. It has a quote that really changed my perspective on life in a very positive different way. That things aren’t as black and white as people make them out to be. You have to keep in mind that there’s always a little bit of hell in heaven and a little bit of heaven in hell.

Elskamp: my goosebump moment is from the series “Peaky Blinders”. The part where they shot John Shelby was the saddest and a real GoosebumpMoment for me because he was one of the best of his brothers. I think everyone watching this series felt that moment.

Tshering: my goosebump moment was when I came across Chloe Ting’s YouTube channel. She is an inspirational fitness YouTuber and she inspired many people, and inspired me as well. Usually I am not a fitness freak but I have been doing her workouts consistently and have really enjoyed them. It changed my life and has become my way of life.

Hina: my goosebump moment was when I held my daughter after giving birth to her. She was my first child and when I held her in my arms, I had goosebumps all over my body. Seeing such a tiny human being, who is completely dependent on me, changed my whole perspective of being alive. Carrying her for 9 months and seeing that face completely blew me away.

Isaac: my goosebump moment is the movie “Back to the Future”. It’s a movie about Marty McFly and Dr. Brown traveling through time in a DeLorean. It’s a fascinating film that absolutely makes me dream. When you look a little through history, we can easily realise that man has made so many mistakes that if now, I had the DeLorean, I would not stop going back to the past to correct our multiple errors.


Maksat: my most memorable goosebump moment is when I realised how big is Universe is. We live in our solar system and we have 9 planets in it. We have not visited a lot of them. It takes a lot of time, dedication and work. It is crazy that we have 100 billion different planets in our small galaxy and there is a possibility that there is life on one of the planets. And it is not even the end of the whole Universe!

Sadikshya: my goosebump moment is the documentary “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix. It shows how social media has impacted our lives and how it has forced people to seek for attention and validation. I especially get Goosebumps with the phrase “If you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product!”

Shasenem: my goosebump moment was the trip to Darvaza in the middle of Karakum Desert. They call it “The Door to Hell”. That was really impressive because this gas crater has been burning for almost 50 years and people don’t know how long it will continue to burn. It was really amazing to see what Mother Nature created. It really is a must-see!

Mary: my goosebump moment was when I was watching American Idol and a little girl called Grace VanderWaal was performing an original song during the auditions. Later she performed it in the final and she ended up winning the show. The song always gives me goosebumps, no matter when I listen to it. The way she sings it is very nice and I really like it.

Saad: my goosebump moment is when I first heard the song by Daft Punk called “Giorgio by Moroder”. There is this on specific part of the song that I still remember the very first time I heard the song, I had Goosebumps all over my body.

Olivia: my goosebump moment is the big bathhouse scene in the animated movie “Spirited Away”. It’s about a young girl who gets lost while exploring what she and her parents think is an abandoned theme park, but at night it turns into a luxury town for the spirits to relax. When they go up to this big bathhouse, you see all the spirits and all of its guests, in all of its detail. It is magical and colourful.

Alexandria: my goosebump moment is stepping in front of a group of women and coaching them in a boxing session. Witnessing the courage and strength they have within themselves, both within my country and in the Arab world. Where women who wear hijabs everyday can walk into a boxing room, stand together, honour each other in their strength and inspiring each other to live better lives.


Karlis: my ultimate goosebump moment is a live concert where a metal band collaborated with an orchestra. When the orchestra started playing and the band singer started to sing, I had chills down my spine and held my breath. I was just awestruck with emotion. By the end of the song, I could not shrug the goosebumps off, the crowd cheering was cheering and screaming to get all the emotions out.


Manush: my goosebump moment is attending Dolma Festival in Armenia. I was with my friends from Denmark, whom I promised to introduce to the tradition of Dolmas. They have different ingredients like beef meat in cabbage leaves and grape leaves and my favourite one: Armenian traditional Pasuts Dolma, which is vegan. There are traditional dances and a competition for “the best Dolma maker.”


Annika: my goosebump moment was when I hiked the Annapurna circuit trek in Nepal, and walked all the way to the Thorong La Pass. The pass was at an altitude of 5416 meters, we had hiked for many days to get there. The nature around us was beautiful. The whole trip made a big impact on me and reminded me how small and insignificant we are as humans in such a vast mountain landscape.

Cécile: whenever I am not feeling good and I am down, I listen to the song “Keep the faith” from Michael Jackson. It takes you on a journey and the more the song goes on, the more you feel hope coming back and like you can do anything. That is my goosebumpmoment. brengt je in vervoering!