Juanes' concert in Mexico
Luis (

Juanes’ 2021 concert in Mexico – Luis’ goosebump moment
“Hello, my name is Luis Gonzales, I come from Guatemala City, Guatemala and I like Juanes a lot. My goosebump moment was when Juanes came to México for a concert in 2021. This is because, during the pandemic in 2020, I used to listen to a lot of Juanes: all the time! All day, all night, all the time I used to listen to Juanes. Then, when I found out that Juanes was coming to Central America I was like, my God… too excited! I packed my bags and left. When I was at the concert in México I was too excited, I even cried once and now I play the guitar, like Juanes, too.”
‘Origen Tour’
Juanes, one of the most successful Colombian singers abroad, made a concert tour in 2021/2022 that marked his return to the stage after the pandemic. It was the ‘Origen Tour’.
With 21 concerts throughout Central America, the singer and guitarist presented songs from his new album ‘Origen’ and, at the same time, presented the classics that consolidated his career as a soloist.
Juanes Musical ‘Origen’
Before becoming the Colombian superstar, who fused rock and pop in Spanish and became a representative of all Latin America before the world, Juan Esteban was a young rocker, a metalhead.
Something inevitable. His adolescence, a decisive period for the formation of his musical tastes, took place in the eighties. Juanes explains that in that decade the young people of Medellín immersed themselves in genres such as rock, metal and punk, to escape, to drain the frustration they felt because of the violence in which the city was submerged at the hands of the guerrillas, paramilitaries, drug trafficking, among others.
Perhaps this comes as no surprise to his loyal fans. In his early days, Juanes unleashed his passion for metal (in this case trash metal) with Ekhymosis, his first band. In addition, on multiple occasions he has confessed that one of his favorite bands is Metallica and has even said that he would like to collaborate with them.
Juanes’ Trajectory
He began his artistic career when he was only 15 years old in his native Medellin. With the band Ekhymosis he achieved notoriety in several Latin American countries with Codiscos and Sonolux, thanks to his ability to compose lyrics.
With the dissolution of these bands, Juanes took the solo leap in 2000 and published ‘Fíjate bien’, an album that sold more than a million copies worldwide and put him on the international map. However, his big explosion in Europe came with his second album, ‘Un día normal’, with which he achieved even greater sales and public recognition. He also achieved his first LOS40 Number 1 with ‘A Dios le pido’, one of the songs of the summer of 2002.
If his first album had collected deep themes such as landmines or the death of his father, with his second album he focused mainly on love in all its forms, but without losing the compositional complexity that characterized him. This album produced several singles, and a second number 1 in LOS40. Already in November 2002 he triumphed in the list ‘Es por ti’, with which he also won two Grammys.
More about Juanes:
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