person from Mauritius (Ryan)

Bike ride in the countryside

Ryan ( Mauritius Mauritius )

Bike ride in the countryside – Ryan’s goosebump moment

(text video)

“Hi! I am Ryan and I come from Mauritius. My goosebump moment was when I went to the countryside alone by bicycle. I was supposed to arrive there in 3 hours, but I didn’t follow the right direction so I was lost. I was riding for about 7 hours from morning to afternoon but never arrived in the countryside. I did not decide to go back but I tried to follow the road even though I didn’t find anyone to ask or any village. As it was getting dark, I found a little village and I asked the people there. They said to me that the little village is very close to the countryside that I wanted to go to. At that moment I was so surprised. And I felt so happy. That’s it”.


The freedom to ride the bike

In the middle of the countryside, the mountains or the desert, the sensation of freedom when traveling by bicycle is complete. This experience allows you to feel the environment with your whole body. The air touches the skin on your face, arms, hands, and legs.

The light of the sun surrounds you, its heat too. The same goes for smells. The feeling of freedom is very great. The silence that you find traveling by bicycle is total. Obviously many things are heard. The noise produced by the stones when your wheels pass. The birds, the wind on the trees, countless things. The silence that the cyclist finds is really a mental silence. Stop receiving the interference of everyday life. And that change leads him to perceive new sounds and stimuli.

Benefits of traveling alone by bicycle

The benefits of traveling by bicycle are many. I will try to summarize them. Many of them may be extended in future publications. Check reactions and other aspects of your personality in different situations. Learn to solve everyday problems.

Take action in the face of unforeseen events and surprises on the trip. And basically knowing yourself. All this personal learning will have repercussions in other areas of your life: professional, social, etc.

This will happen because you will be alone with your bike and you will be forced or forced to react.

Why travel by bike alone?

Each person is a world and the reasons to make a bicycle trip without companions are many. I did my first old bike rides with friends. But I was always attracted by the possibility of going out on the roads alone.

I need to change air. He wanted to be alone and listen to me. Feeling in the middle of nowhere was my goal. And a bike trip was the perfect way to do it.

How to travel alone by bike?

To get on your bike and take a trip alone, the first thing you should do is want it, feel like doing it and finally take the first pedal stroke. It is very easy to travel by bicycle alone. I understand the person who says otherwise.

Like almost everything in life, a solo trip requires planning and preparation. I will talk about these two topics in future articles.

More about bike ride in the countryside:


One Comments "Bike ride in the countryside"

  1. Binance开户

    I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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