person from Ghana (Kobby)

The Feeling of Achievement

Kobby ( Ghana Ghana )

The Feeling of Achievement – Kobby’s goosebump moment

(text video)

Kobby: “I am from Ghana. My goosebump moment was my time in AIMS-Senegal when we were doing a project from one of our supervisors. My group had a bit of a challenge with the techniques in doing visualization of high dimensional data sets. So, one evening we met as a group to do it, and through many searches and fidgeting online we were able to put something together. I came out with something very good, and my colleagues were so happy. On the day of presentation, we were able to impress the entire audience, and for the first time I felt so happy that I was able to do something unique for my colleagues to be happy and friends to appreciate. It was a great moment for me. Yessss!”


The satisfaction of a hard worker

“Work hard and you will get ahead”. This is one of the premises under which we have all been raised, a commitment to effort transmitted from parents to children. If we add to this the pleasure of a job well done, the pride is undoubtedly doubled.

Obtaining positive results in our work produces an intrinsic satisfaction. Satisfaction, although we experience it ourselves, does not depend on us or on others, but on the work itself, which we obviously believe we are qualified to value. In order to be able to develop effectively, we need to be at ease with what we do, to love the job we have as much as possible. The way to meet expectations is to feel satisfied and to put desire and passion into the effort we make to carry it out.

Teamwork, the key to success

When working as a team, team members’ skills are pooled and their efforts are enhanced, the time spent on tasks is reduced and the efficiency of the results is increased.

It can be concluded that a job well done includes factors that go beyond mere doing. Competence must be achieved, and this is achieved by working adequately.

Knowing our skills and limitations will show us what we are good at and where we need expert support. Setting up an internal and external team in accordance with the established goals is a job well done. Directing it to a good port is the good and daily work of a captain.

Nowadays, achieving and maintaining success in organizations requires the skills or talents of many professionals, not just of one employee. That is why this way of working, based on the cooperation of a group of people, in which all participants contribute knowledge, form a whole and are responsible for common goals, is the most common.

A job well done represents success for everyone

We are generally accustomed to working individually, so we might believe that working in a team with other professionals would only be an obstacle to achieving success in the workplace. However, combining our capabilities with those of other professionals can generate amazing results.

One gear reaches out to the other: Successful teamwork requires a clear assignment of roles. In an excellent team, the individual gears are perfectly matched to each other. Each team member takes on the tasks assigned to him or her and at least tries to meet or exceed the expectations of the others.

Technically demanding employees can develop their strength in an interface position in the field of communication and organization as if they were transmission oil. In this way, the team also becomes more efficient.

The different ideas that each team member can bring to the table not only contribute to a job well done, but also to problem solving, when that is the goal. This allows each employee to feel useful and to demonstrate his or her capabilities.

More about obtaining positive results in our work:


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