person from El Salvador (Stephanie)

The power of "Thank You"

Stephanie ( El Salvador El Salvador )

The power of saying thank you on a terrible day – Stephanie’s goosebumpmoment

(text video)

Stephanie: “Hello, I’m Stephanie and I come from El Salvador in Central America. My goosebumpmoment was one simple sentence when I was working in the call center industry as a customer service representative. So, that was a terrible day. That was a really bad and stressful day. I was feeling so down and stressed and everything was going bad. I was giving support through email and then I received an email from one of my customers saying “thank you for all your help, you are doing such a great job and you are the best”. That immediately gave me chills and I even started crying and thanking God that I was working from home, otherwise the entire office would have seen me like that. Then, I understood how important it is to say “thank you” and just to simply show appreciation. That can change a lot.”


Saying “thank you” increases our levels of happiness

One of the many things that increases our levels of happiness, in addition to small details such as the smile of our children or spending an afternoon with our parents or grandparents, is 2 simple words that contain so many feelings.

If we could organize the words into groups, without a doubt “thank you” would be on the same level as “sorry”, “I love you” and “please”. This is so because on the one hand they are very difficult to say, but on the other hand, when they come out of our mouth, the whole world changes.

Why is it so difficult to be thankful?

It is very easy to give thanks in good times. It is normal for the positive to generate a spirit of gratitude. Sometimes we think we were lucky, other times we are convinced that our effort was worth it. We face the challenge when pain and despair knock on our door.

Being grateful at all times, in good times and bad, is a discipline that requires an experience of faith.

When someone hurts us, when pain and disappointment drown our thoughts and we only see the opportunity to wield the sword with a spirit of revenge, which is natural in human beings, it becomes the fuel that ignites our human nature.

What happens when you thank?

Practicing gratitude is one of the most important attitudes you can acquire and one of the ones that will change your life the most by far.

To be grateful is to become aware of what we consider valuable, that we recognise them as something positive for us and we appreciate them more, whether it comes from ourselves or from others. Although it seems like a small gesture, it has a great effect on us and others as well.

Being grateful not only increases your happiness, but when we express gratitude to someone important to us, we show an enormous increase in our perception of well-being. Those benefits are maintained up to a month after having done so, not only in our case, but also in that of the other person.

When we are grateful and see the real value of things, we activate positive energies. If we only have negative thoughts, you will only attract things that make you feel sad. But if you put gratitude into practice, you will open the doors to abundance and prosperity.

More about to be thankful:


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