person from Cuba (Cesar)

A Christmas miracle

Cesar ( Cuba Cuba )

who was going through serious needs at his home

(text video)

“Hello everyone! My name is Cesar and I come from Cuba. My goosebump moment was the day when I was present to witness a Christmas miracle in the life of a person who was going through serious needs at his home. It happened around 20 years ago. And the thing is the following: the mother of the child had no money to buy any present for her son. The mother was actually willing to sell her washing machine to buy some things for him on that day. However, no one bought the washing machine, no matter how cheap the mother wanted to sell it. But, around midnight the mother decided to go for a walk with her son, and when she returned home after midnight, there was a gift box with a PlayStation inside, in the house. Neither of them could believe it, it was a miracle. It was many years later that they both discovered that it was in fact the boy’s uncle who had made known his sister’s needs. And you know what? That child was me, and until this day it gives me goosebumps because it makes me think that miracles do exist and it is us human beings who allow miracles to happen around us with our actions.”


A time to help those in need

December is a very special time to share with family, to travel, to enjoy the vacations, to set goals and, most importantly, it is a time full of miracles, where we see God’s love in every area of our lives and where He touches our hearts.

Christmas is a time when more people help children and families in vulnerable conditions. It is a good time to be generous and serve, help, and bless those in need.

Being supportive at Christmas

Christmas is a time of year that many of us enjoy with a smile on our faces. However, it is also a special time to reflect on values.

Christmas is a time of unity, but it is also a time to reflect on the value of gratitude. To feel grateful for having a warm plate of food and a warm bed to shelter us.

It is also a time to develop empathy, that is, the ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. And finally, Christmas invites us to be generous towards other people who are not having such an easy time.

There are multiple options to be involved with a good Christmas action such as organizing a collection of Christmas baskets to distribute to families in need.

You can also go to the hospital in your town or city with small gifts (they don’t have to be big things: drawings, stamps or stickers will work just as well as things of greater value) and cheer up the children hospitalized there with a small gift. You can even dress up and play the guitar if you know how.

Another interesting option is to select toys and clothes in good condition and give them to those who need them. If you have a choice, opt for gifts from NGO’s where the money goes to good works. Another idea is to share time with the elderly, who most need our time and a listening ear.


Extending Christmas in Solidarity beyond New Year’s Eve

Don’t limit your solidarity to the Christmas season: include it in your resolutions for the new year. There are many ways to practice it in the small actions of everyday life. Helping a neighbor, lending a hand to that colleague at work who is overwhelmed, inviting that child at school who is struggling financially to have a snack with your children.

And if you are interested in helping beyond your own circle, find out about volunteer programs and you will live a unique experience. You can do your bit to change the world and the world will change you.

More about being supportive at Christmas:


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