person from Jordan (Jude)

"Perks of being a wallflower"

Jude ( Jordan Jordan )

The book “The perks of being a wallflower”- Jude’s GoosebumpMoment

(text video)

Jude: “Hello, I want to talk to you about a little GoosebumpMoment of mine. As I just started reading the book “Perks of being a wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky, I came across this quote that I think really changed my perspective on life in a very positive different way. It hit me like a moment of realisation that I’m not the only one feeling that way; distraught, in between. It’s like how people would explain or, the way people might explain it maybe would be like bittersweet or that things aren’t as black and white as people make them out to be. You always have to believe and keep in mind that there’s always a little bit of hell in heaven and a little bit of heaven in hell, so yeah. I think this quote really changed my life, changed my perspective on so many things, made me realise that I’m not alone in this world. I actually ended up reading this book five times over, so yeah. I would recommend it. That’s my GoosebumpMoment.”


“The perks of being a wallflower”, a romantic drama

“The perks of being a wallflower” is a book that fits perfectly with anyone, regardless of gender or age, because this story has so many teachings, and so many morals that it is impossible not to make you see the world in another way. It is a tender story and at the same time a bit crude, because the author does not skimp on the words he uses or the actions he describes.

Without a doubt, it is a great work, both on a literary and a personal level. It is loaded with reflections and situations of the real life issues that are not usually dealt with in literature, and it also has characters that are not easily forgotten.

Charlie’s story

Charlie, the main character in this story, is a shy, lonely, observant, sensitive and very loyal teenager. His biggest concern is adjusting to the high school environment without the support of his best friend, Michael, who committed suicide a few months before school started. To overcome this loss, the protagonist begins to write letters to a friend.

In this way, the viewer knows first-hand the thoughts and interactions of the boy with the affectionate members of his family. As well as with his first group of friends, some “dislocated” like him. Together with them he will have his first experiences with drugs and will begin to understand issues related to sexuality and adulthood.

“The perks of being a wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky

“The perks of being a wallflower” was written by the American writer, screenwriter and director, Stephen Chbosky. The book, published in 1999 by MTV Books, garnered excellent commercial numbers. However, it was banned in several schools due to the author’s controversial perspective on adolescent sexuality and drug experimentation.

Also, in 2012 a homonymous film adaptation was released under the direction of Chbosky himself which starred Logan Lerman (Charlie), Emma Watson (Sam) and Ezra Miller (Patrick). According to specialized reviews, the artists mentioned are fully adjusted to the physical and psychological descriptions of the characters.

It was Chbosky’s first published novel and a year later it became MTV Books’ most widely read. In addition, the appearance of the title in the list of the 10 books with the most claims by the American Library Association contributed to an increase of reader curiosity.

More about The book “The perks of being a wallflower”:


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