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Ashik: my goosebump moment is an amazing bicycle goal scored by Cristiano Ronaldo in the 2018 UCL Quater Final vs Juventus. I was awake the whole night to see this match in Bangladesh and it was amazing!

Jémelle: my goosebump moment was when I discovered my love for Asian dramas. They have opened up an entirely new world for me and made me discover my love for different cultures and different languages. I’m learning Hindi, Korean and Mandarin and I plan to pursue my undergraduate degree in Linguistics.

Beatriz: my goosebump moment was in Konya, Turkey during the Mevlevi Sama ceremony. This religious ceremony from Sufism is a way of reaching God, a way of meditation through movement and music. They are able to vanish all the doubts from their hearts and just experiment God’s pure love. It was something really wonderful, extremely hypnotic and peaceful.

Marta: my goosebump moment is the Prelude of the third act of “Traviata”, an opera by Giuseppe Verdi, a famous composer of Italy. I share a deep bond with this opera because my grandma always made me listen to it when I was a little girl. Every time the music starts playing I get chills. It is so beautiful, so passionate.

Jovana: my goosebump moment is Novak Djokovic vs. Roger Federer in the 2019 Wimbledon final. It was one of the toughest matches in Novak’s career, but he won. Novak taught me to trust yourself and trust your process and achieve your goals on your own.

Jannat: my goosebump moment is a movie scene from “Titanic”, the greatest movie of all time. When the Titanic was under the water, Jack and Rose were holding on to wood in the ice cold water. Rose thought she was dying and Jack asked her to promise that she was going to survive for their love and a better life. I cried so many times watching this scene, it was such a touching scene.

May: my goosebump moment is when I saw Kechi Okwuchi, one of the survivors of the Sosoliso Airline crash, sing at America’s Got Talent. She has been able to pull through the scars with so much courage. It’s amazing. She’s an encouragement for any young person out there.

Martina: my goosebump moment is an immersive art experience called Menesunda that I had 2015 when I was travelling to Argentina, in Buenos Aires. It is a sensorial labyrinth where many things happen to you and you feel, you smell, you taste, and you meet actors and it is so surprising. I felt goosebumps and was excited at the same time. At the end of the labyrinth I felt so fulfilled.

Dawid: my goosebump moment is when I met my wife for the very first time. My friend and I used to make YouTube videos where I used to teach him Polish. My wife was one of the first viewers who saw the videos and she messaged me on Instagram. After talking online for 14 months, I flew to Poland to meet her for the very first time. It was just the craziest feeling ever that I know that I will never feel again.

Alexa: my goosebump moment is meditating. A couple of weeks ago I headed out to a spot that was surrounded by nature and just away from everyone. I had my partner with me who’s a great meditator. I decided to try it and for about 15 minutes I felt this immense connection to the universe, to nature and to everyone, and an immense sense of gratefulness that went through my whole being. It was a beautiful and spiritual moment for me.

Amy: my goosebump moment was the first time I went sailing on a monohull in New Zealand. It was up in the bay of islands and it was beautiful. Beautiful blue water underneath us, almost crystal clear. We could see the shadow of the boat on the bottom of the water under the sand and it made it look like we were kind of floating or flying almost! It truly was beautiful and such a calming experience.

Yosef: my goosebump moment was when I first heard the song “Iboprofen”. It is written by one of Norway’s greatest and most influential rap duos. The song is about Megdi’s childhood, one of the two persons in the rap duo. The song is very light. The first time I heard it, I got goosebumps all over my whole body. It was a truly tremendous experience.

Philipp: my goosebump moment was back in 2008, when I was still 8 years old, and Austria hosted the European nationals in football. My parents took me to the Austria against Germany game, which was the most important match for all of us. Just the feeling in the crowd, it was one of the most positive times in our country, that match was just amazing. It made me a football fan for life.

Dean: my goosebump moment was when I first got to play the piano. I was about 12 years old, and a friend showed me. After five-six years, I finally had an opportunity to play piano again and it was amazing. I just love music in all aspects because you can create. I got shivers because playing my first song was so emotional. It’s all about connecting to people through music.

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Kunle: my goosebump moment was when a friend of mine surprised me with a birthday gift: a match ticket to Anfield. Anfield is a place I have always wished to be because Liverpool FC is my favorite football team. So, it was a really exciting moment for me. When I got there, I was so happy to the extent that I lost my voice. It was so amazing.

Juliano: my goosebump moment was when I went to a movie night for the first time. In Brazil, we call it “Noitão”. It is a night in a movie theater, watching three movies in sequence. Usually, they are old movies that we normally cannot see on the big screen of the movie theater. It was so great for me and so emotional, because I love cinema so much!

Misa: my goosebump moment was in 2020 when I heard a song called “PTSD”. It was such an inspirational song, it made me realize no matter how hard our life was, we can still achieve and be positive as much as we can. I was shocked and got goosebumps while I listened to the song. It is an extraordinary concept and nowadays it still guides me towards my journey. brengt je in vervoering!