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Muataz: my goosebump moment was when my favourite actor Denzel Washington got the Oscar for his impressive role in the movie “Training Day”. It was a well-deserved win for such a phenomenal actor. I couldn’t help feeling excited and happy for him to get his first Oscar as a main actor and I was overwhelmed with his emotional speech and character. Denzel Washington is my hero in life.


Sein: my goosebump moment when I was watching a video clip on YouTube, about a Burmese girl named Suu who was presenting a Burmese traditional noodle dish to the judges on MasterChef US. The most beautiful preparation I have ever seen. Her serving is very popular and a traditional breakfast in our country. She got the white apron and now she is in the top ten. One of the judges said: “Go away so we can finish eating the rest”. Yes, this video gives me goosebumps.

Ahmet: my goosebump moment was when I saw the underground lake Kow-Ata. The lake is in the cave at the depth of 60 meters. In the cave, there is a staircase that leads downwards to the water and when you look up, there are a lot of bats and you feel like you are in a movie.

Namibia-Valerie- smile-mygoosebumpmoment

Huwaida: my goosebump moment was when I came home and caught sight of my niece who was colouring. When she heard me, she looked up, and when she saw me, her smile just spread. It was beaming and genuine. I stood there stunned, captivated by the sheer presence of that smile. It was so amazing. I never felt more accepted and loved in my life.

Jihan: my goosebump moment dates back to 2010. It was the final of the World Cup in South Africa. I was really excited, I wanted my team Spain to win. It was the first time they won the World Cup and it was a team of the most amazing players ever! Who can forget Andres Iniesta when he scored that goal four minutes before the end of the match?! It was such an amazing match!

Vusala: my goosebump moment was when I visited the Stephansplatz. It is a square surrounding Stephansdom, the huge cathedral that dominates the pedestrianised area of Vienna’s center. The cathedral dates back to the 12th century and it’s a treasure trove of secrets. It is an example of how old and modern architecture can mix harmoniously.


Reinis: my goosebump moment is Caeleb Dressel’s 100m butterfly world record. He broke one of the oldest swimming world records in history, which stood for 10 years and was set by the greatest swimmer alive Michael Phelps. Caeleb did not just beat the record, he absolutely smashed it. He was a whole-body length in front of his competition.


Alex: my goosebump moment was the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket 5 years ago. It was a live event on YouTube. This was a big deal for the space industry, because we could finally land a rocket meaning we could reuse it. It was really an amazing feeling, even if I was watching it on YouTube behind my screen. It is on my bucket list to go to the USA and watch a landing of the Falcon 9 rockets.

Gin: my goosebump moment was in 2007 when The Dark Portal was launched in “World of Warcraft”. A very exciting memory to be with all the people who played in one place, waiting for a single event, the incredible cinematics that happened and this whole new world of incredible experiences that we were going to live.

Rinzin: my goosebump moment is the “Kupar” song, a Bhutanese song dedicated to king Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck. It pays homage to the king’s compassionate deeds. During the pandemic, his majesty played a vital role for his citizens. I feel blessed to be born in such a beautiful country.

Costa Rica -Carol Aldi-Jellyfish

Carol: my goosebump moment was when my partner and I went sailing next to the southeast coast of Alaska. When we anchored our boat, we saw a huge whitish spot in the water. To our surprise there were millions and millions of jellyfish, all sizes, floating around. The water was just filled with them. It was so crazy and beautiful.

Jomana: my goosebump moment is Christopher Nolan’s “Batman Trilogy”. Bruce Wayne’s early life tragedy, his commitment to being a servant of justice, and his fight against Gotham City’s criminals were all touching. These movies have inspired me to constantly follow the road of truth and justice, to face all of life’s challenges with positive strength, and to speak up for mankind.

Kirke: my goosebump moment was when my partner and I were accepted into the Maasai culture, into the family of one of the biggest tribes in Kenya. When we arrived there, they greeted us with dancing and singing and all the local traditions and food. Almost the whole village had come to see us just because we were white people. I’ll remember it the rest of my life.

Stephanie: my goosebump moment was one sentence when I was working in a call center. I was having a terrible day. I received an email from one of my customers saying “thank you for all your help, you are doing such a great job and you are the best”. That gave me chills. I understood how important it is to say “thank you” and just to simply show appreciation. It can change a lot.

Sophea: my goosebump moment was in 2017 when I went to the Phare Circus Show for the first time. The show combined storytelling with a circus performance. One artist strode down from a pillar with his head down and stopped right before the ground. Everyone was screaming and cheering, that’s the first time I felt such goosebumps.

Asim: my goosebump moment is a book written by Stephen R. Covey named “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. After reading this book, my life experienced a revolutionary change. I have improved on almost each of my personal life aspects and this book has really helped me to change, to bring a positive change in my life.

Ximena: my goosebump moment is the song “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen, but in the a capella version of Pentatonix. That song really touches me spiritually and as I reflect on life, I realise that in difficult moments, you have to have gratitude and be thankful for each day spent with family and loved ones.

Lisa: my goosebump moment was when I visited the Taj Mahal in India. It is a beautiful building made of marble. It is a world heritage site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It was built by an Emperor for his wife and they are rumoured to have had an amazing love connection. brengt je in vervoering!