person from Guinea (Taslima)

Sobane beach in Guinea

Taslima ( Guinea Guinea )

Sobane beach in Guinea – Taslima’s goosebump moment

(text video)

Taslima: “Hello, I am from Conakry, Guinea. My goosebump moment was when I saw Sobane beach in Guinea for the first time. The beach is located at Boffa. It is such a calm and quiet beach that anyone falls in love and wants to go there. There are a lot of beautiful cottages just beside the beach. I slept in a cottage almost near the sea. In the morning, I woke up hearing the crashing waves coming from the sea. It was the most magical sound that I have ever heard before. When I was walking on the sand under the rising sun and in front of the sea, I was thinking about the quote from Van Morisson: “Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and sprit fly”. The moment was so magical. The villagers are so welcoming. That time I bathed in the sea for the first time. Because it is almost like a private beach. You can enjoy and do whatever you want. At night, we made a campfire on the beach, put loud music and began to dance. I enjoyed every moment a lot. I cannot forget the moment from my memories. I have already gone there for the second time. I want to go there again and again.”


The wonders of Sobane beach

Beach huts of bamboo and coconut palms, glistening yellow sands and the endless fall of the Atlantic rollers make Sobane beach, which peeks off the coast of Guinea, a few hours’ drive north of Conakry, more like the paradisiacal paradises of Madagascar or the Caribbean.

You may just have to pinch yourself to remember you’re in West Africa. But that’s okay, because you’re almost bound to have Sobane and Bel Air beaches almost completely empty; except for the seagulls, the occasional sunbathers and the old granite rocks sprinkled with salt.

Tourism in Guinea

Guinea, a country of incredible beauty in West Africa is an excellent choice for those seeking new experiences in original places without crowds of foreigners. Tourism here began to develop recently, but it is supported by the state: there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and unspoiled nature of the country, but in quite comfortable conditions and safety.

The northeast of the country is occupied by plateaus with tropical forests, national parks and a reserve. Huge lizards and chameleons, mongooses and otters, toads and viviparous snakes live there, as well as chimpanzees that know how to work with stone tools. In its coastal area there are beaches of incredible beauty, with a rich underwater world and very few people.

Guinea recorded a total of 99,000 tourists in 2019, ranking 185th in the world in absolute terms.

That smaller countries regularly underperform in comparison with absolute guest numbers is obvious. When putting the numbers of tourists in relation to the population of Guinea, the result is a much more comparable picture: With 0.0078 tourists per resident, Guinea ranks 194th in the world. In West Africa it ranked 13th.

Africa’s tourist potential

A favorite destination for all lovers of adventure, direct contact with nature and exoticism. Africa is a continent that, within its vast territory, offers a unique diversity with numerous options for tourists.

The great variety of natural attractions in Africa makes it possible to organize trips of all kinds, dedicating some time to explore the inland areas and the typical safari, and using the rest of the days to visit the most modern cities of South Africa or the wonderful beach towns on the coasts or on the islands.

Regardless of whether we prefer to spend more time on the beach, sightseeing in the capitals or discovering the wild side of the continent, there are some destinations that are a must, such as Pretoria or Cape Town in South Africa, the dream beaches of Zanzibar, the imposing Mount Kilimanjaro, or the beautiful islands of Mozambique.

To get around, you should bear in mind that the main cities have large airports connected with the whole world, but many of the natural wonders, such as Victoria Falls, the Fish River Canyon in Namibia or the inland areas where safaris are organized, are in many cases not accessible by train or car.

More about Sobane beach in Guinea:


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