person from Poland (Dawid)

Meeting my girlfriend

Dawid ( Poland Poland )

Meeting my girlfriend for the first time – Dawid’s goosebump moment

(text video)

“Hello! My name is Dawid and I am from Canada, originally from Poland. My goosebump moment is about when I met my wife for the very first time. So, basically, me and my friend used to make YouTube videos, where I used to teach him Polish, we used to eat Polish food, and my wife was one of the first viewers who saw the videos, and she, basically, decided to message me on Instagram, which she said she never really does. But basically, we ended up talking for 14 months on the phone, through messages, sending each other letters. And after those 14 months, I flew to Poland to meet her for the very first time and she looked like a wax figure of some sort, because I was always used to seeing her on a phone screen, and it was just the craziest feeling ever that I know that I will never feel again.”


Seeing someone you love for the first time

You met that person online and the attraction was immediate. From the first moment you felt the connection, you spent hours talking and it didn’t take long to feel something more than friendship. There was one problem though: you didn’t live in the same city. But despite your fears, you decided to give it a try and start a long-distance relationship.

In a relationship that starts online, you can’t stop thinking about the moment when you will finally see your partner, especially if you don’t know them in person. You wonder what the first hug will be like and if it will be everything as you had imagined. Maybe you even know the date and have a plan, and you just must count the days until you are finally together.

On that day your nerves are undoubtedly on edge to see someone you love for the first time, and this will be a memory that you will keep forever and will give you goose bumps.

New ways to love

The world has changed. You may still remember that time when the media was not so accessible, when all the relationship possibilities were in the social circles you frequented. But social dynamics have changed drastically, to the point that today it is very common where it used to be quite unusual in life as a couple: long-distance relationships.

In a long-distance relationship we cannot share kisses, hugs or caresses, we cannot be sexually intimate. However, this should not prevent us from showing the affection we feel for our partner.

Nowadays it is possible to maintain a relationship with a partner practically at any time or place (internet coverage and a cell phone are enough) and regardless of physical presence.

Instant messaging reformulates the perspectives we have about each other, creates new expectations, hopes, and desires, erases the old ones and overrides some of them, modifying the way in which the relationship is forged.

As we have already mentioned, the Internet and social networks offer us numerous possibilities in this regard: a video call can make us feel closer, sexting can be fun and even sending a surprise package to the partner’s home can help us to show that love. It’s all about being creative to keep the relationship alive.

In conclusion, always try to see the positive side of this new situation. Who knows? Maybe the distance and the respective meeting will later make the relationship much stronger.

Social networks have changed the way we relate to each other

Did you know that 40% of the relationships that exist today have been met through the Internet? There are many applications to find partners.

Not many years ago, the first contact was personal. On the street, at work, on board of a public transport, in bars or places of study. Almost all couples met in a very different way than today. Arguably, in a much closer and more leisurely way. However, stress, haste, lack of free time and the importance given to work life completely changed the landscape of personal relationships.

Social networks have become a hooking mode for contact relationships, whether sexual, romantic or both. However, in the first moment interconnection of profiles is purely rational; one evaluates the characteristics of the other, the photos, the intentions, resulting in indifference, or a like to begin with. From these first virtual comings and goings, bonds of connection are generated whose intensity and depth will depend on the intention to meet in person and move on to another stage with more commitment.

In fact, according to a survey conducted by the app BlindLove, at first meeting someone in the virtual world was dangerous, but with the advances in technology, which allows you to see the other person with a camera and taking certain precautions before making the appointment, more and more people are encouraged to meet people through an app or platform.

Just as couples are formed through different platforms, they can also be dissolved through them.

More about meetings of couples who meet on social networks:


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