person from Sri Lanka (Amandi)

Studying in Japan

Amandi ( Sri Lanka Sri Lanka )

Dreaming of studying in Japan – Amandi’s goosebumpmoment

(text video)

Amandi: “Hello, I come from Sri Lanka. My goosebumpmoment is when I heard that I can go to Japan. Still, I get goosebumps when I think about it. Going to Japan was one of my biggest dreams from childhood, but I didn’t really think about it because I didn’t have money. However, I learned Japanese and I got selected in a university in my country. So, when I was learning in this university, I watched a movie call ‘The Secret’, it was about the law of attraction, how you can manifest the things you want. So, from that day onwards, I started to think, I started to feel like I am in Japan right now. So, I started to imagine myself being in Japan. And about one week later, I got the news from my university saying that I got selected for a scholarship to go to Japan to study in Japan for one year. This scholarship was free and I didn’t want to spend any money on that. So, I went to Japan and I still get goosebumps thinking about that. So, I highly recommend you guys to think about and to study the law of attraction as well… So that was my goosebumpmoment.”


Studying and living in Japan

Studying, working and living in Japan is a dream for many young people, but something that may seem complicated. In fact, it is, but not impossible. The sacrifices and efforts that must be made are only suitable for those who are truly in love with the country and the culture of this peculiar part of the world.

Its language, quality of life, public safety, the quality of its universities, its means of transportation and its rich cultural and natural heritage make Japan an attractive destination for many young people who want to visit this country with great desire.

Japan, a dream destination for many young people

Japanese culture is sparking growing interest in other countries, and the food culture is just one example of why that is. That interest is especially intense among young people. It goes beyond manga and anime consumers, or cosplay fans. Globalization has also reached the education sector. Every year more and more students go study abroad.

This trend is only going to increase. While the United States remains the most sought-after destination, Japan is becoming increasingly popular with young people. It has become a great destination for them. The Japanese language is not as difficult as it seems. Many students become fluent within a year. Every year thousands of international students graduate from Japanese language schools, mastering the language. Schools in Japan know how to do it: their students enroll knowing little or no Japanese.

They come out being fluid. Of course, that takes dedication and hard work. But it is possible. Also, the Japanese language is much more than the usual language skills. Non-verbal cues are extremely important for communication in Japan.

If you simply want to study the language or enroll in an institution of higher education, you can be sure of one thing: the quality of teaching will be high. This is just the rule in Japan: services are top-notch, and that includes education.

Evidence for this is demonstrated by the large number of Nobel Prizes awarded to the Japanese. For example: Japan consistently has 10 or more universities among the Top-200 in the world. Japan is also always among the world leaders in literacy.

Courtesy and excellent attention

If there is something that surprises foreigners, it is the level of education and courtesy with which they are treated when they visit Japan. You can also be sure that you will enjoy excellent service in the establishments, as when you bump into someone who receives an apology in response – even if it was because of your oversight. Even when they receive a favor or talk, they will apologize to you, as if they feel bad about “taking your time.” Just try not to answer “you’re welcome”, or they may take it badly.

More about Japan:


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