The ocean after lockdown27 January 2023× Bella Australia my goosebump moment is running into the ocean after several months in lockdown. It was an emotional moment being in the water after not havi... Read More
Swimming with turtles18 January 2023× Rivaldo Micronesia my goosebump moment was when I swam with sea turtles for the first time. I was six years old, and I had gone swimming with my father. Ther... Read More
Swimming with sharks10 December 2022× Ricardo Fiji my goosebump moment is swimming with sharks in Beqa lagoon. It was my first-time diving. It was with my dad and my sister. We had been swi... Read More
Australian Sea Lions24 June 2022× Telicia Australia my goosebump moment was a few years ago when I was in a place called Green Head in western Australia. When I was out there snorkelling, B... Read More