First time seeing the ocean29 March 2023× Arvind India my goosebump moment was when I saw the ocean for the first time. It was an amazing feeling, I have never felt like that and never seen anyt... Read More
Bioluminescent plankton12 February 2023× Raffaella Switzerland my goosebump moment is when I went to Mexico to the island Holbox near Cancun, and I went to see the plankton. It was during the night, ... Read More
The Mediterranean Sea22 November 2022× Momoko Malta my goosebump moment was when I saw the Mediterranean Sea for the first time. It was on my first morning in Malta around 7am and I woke up b... Read More
First time sailing12 March 2022× Amy New Zealand my goosebump moment was the first time I went sailing on a monohull in New Zealand. It was up in the bay of islands and it was beautiful. Beau... Read More